7.0y of experience
Reasonably Experienced. Prefer TS more
5.4y of experience
Reasonably Experienced
1.8y of experience
Not super experienced, but will happily work with
1.1y of experience
Learning python, so far I'd be willing to use it if needed/desired by a team.
Libraries & Frameworks
3.8y of experience
Vue is by far my current favorite web development framework
3.8y of experience
Nuxt makes working with Vue easy, and as a result, I really enjoy working with Nuxt.
3.5y of experience
JS/TS webserver framework that has a lot of good DX. Very nice to work with.
6.5y of experience
Mongooses typings are a pain but other than that its my go to choice for a JS MongoDB ODM
7.0y of experience
I started with express but then its lack of good typing support became a pain, so I moved to Fastify
Database Management
4.0y of experience
I've managed this on DigitalOcean, Linode, and Oracle. Recently learned how to do TLS with ACME certificates
1.2y of experience
I've managed this on Linode, and Oracle. Have setup WAL streaming replication
Linux OS Management
12m of experience
The OS my PC runs 4/5ths of the time.
1.8y of experience
I've managed this on DigitalOcean, and Oracle. Currently manages Folderr's developer stuff
1.2y of experience
My laptop's OS, and hosts 1/2 of Folderr's databases
5.0y of experience
The other server OS I use, if Debian/RHEL based is not available
I've been devloping frontends and APIs for the last 6 years.
I started with Discord bots in 2018, then moved onto services, APIs, and frontends as they offered more challenge.
I like playing First Person Shooters, adventure games, RPGs